
Challenge routes

Get a list of challenges

Gets a list of challenges. Includes disabled challenges if admin.

GET /competitions/{id}/challenges


code description content
200 a list of challenges array of challenges
403 competition has not started {"message": "competition_not_started"}

Get a challenge

Gets a single challenge. Returns 404 for disabled challenges unless admin.

GET /competitions/{id}/challenges/{id}


code description content
200 the challenge a challenge
404 not found {"message": "challenge_not_found"}
403 competition has not started {"message": "competition_not_started"}

Create a challenge :lock:

Creates a challenge. Requires admin.

POST /competitions/{id}/challenges

Request Body

name type required requirements
title string yes none
description string yes none
value number yes none
author string yes none
flag string yes none
category string yes none
hint string no none
enabled boolean yes none


code description content
201 successfully created challenge none
400 invalid data provided {"message": "invalid_values"}
403 user is not an admin {"message": "action_forbidden"}
401 authentication failed none

Submit a flag :lock:

Submits a flag for a challenge. Requires the user to be on a team.

POST /competitions/{id}/challenges/{id}/submissions

Request Body

name type required requirements
flag string yes none


code description content
200 submission result {"correct": true/false}
400 challenge already solved {"message": "challenge_already_solved"}
404 challenge not found {"message": "challenge_not_found"}
403 user not on team {"message": "user_not_on_team"}
401 authentication failed none
400 invalid data provided {"message": "invalid_values"}
403 competition has not started {"message": "competition_not_started"}

Modify a challenge :lock:

Modify a challenge. Requires admin.

PATCH /competitions/{id}/challenges/{id}

Request Body

name type required requirements
title string no none
description string no none
value number no none
author string no none
flag string no none
category string no none
hint string no none


code description content
204 successfully modified none
403 action forbidden {message: "action_forbidden"}
401 authentication failed none
400 invalid values {"message": "invalid_values"}

Delete a challenge :lock:

Delete a challenge. Requires admin.

DELETE /competitions/{id}/challenges/{id}


code description content
204 successfully deleted none
403 action forbidden {message: "action_forbidden"}
401 authentication failed none